Heather Alexander The Herald's Creed
I pledge this day my sword, my heart to build and help
Although I'm if my life apart from those that I must
The laws of truth I will obey in every thought and
Stand fast while others turn away, upon The Herald's
I vow to heal the wrongs I see as long as I shall live.
My heart will guide me faithfully and teach me how to
I'll render way as best I can and to those who are in
And by the strength of my own hand restore the peace
The deeds of those who lived before, have bound my life
to theirs.
Their legends open up the door and taught me how to
The touch of my Companion's thoughts bring friendship,
song and joy.
It is upon that love has wrought and time cannot
I swear to guard and keep the crown defending all
that's just,
No force will ever bring it down, this is our sacred
My path is clear before me now, my choices all are made
In Honor's name I take a vow to face life unafraid.
Upon my soul I make a vow this light will never fade.