Howe Gelb Blood Orange
See the sky [a-broiling] in the color of a blood orange
Hear they're cracking [ ] of the front metal of the screen door hinge
Loving like lovers that know they're going to hang
Sweating bullets and reloading over and over again
Midnight comes, it's a hundred and one
So much never gets said or done
The rain is only a rumor
Over before it's begun
Over before it's begun
Kissing each other like it's our last meal
Touching like we're blind and relying on the feel
See the sky [a-broiling] like the color of a boiling blood orange
Hear they're cracking [ ] of the front metal of the screen door hinge
Midnight comes, it's a hundred and one
So much never gets said or done
The rain is only a rumor
Over before it's begun
Over before it's begun
One, two, three, four