Human Drama The Liar Inside
We gamble recklessly with trust my love
But is that a game anyone should win?
We sell ourselves for situations
Then dare to be questioned once within
We fear the mask removed will bring us harm To remove the mask we fear could bring us harm
It's like we're running from a truth
The only thing that does redeem us
It seems like everybody else is running too ...
We've fallen deep so far inside
Behind the walls we choose to hide
We cannot love we can only feed the liar inside ...
Our heavy heart died long ago
We shot down truth and claimed we didn't know
And then we smiled into the face of the liar inside
I'm not my mother's son
You're no longer the little girl in daddy's arms
I pretend to love you so that you'll love me
You pretend to love me just out of fear
We've fallen deep …
The pure soul cannot swim, in a sea of impostors
Redemption forgotten like so many yesterdays
When half of what we say, even we don't believe
When most of what we feel, we just think we should
Careless words spoken out of order
You can promise a fool anything
We've fallen deep …