Hunters & Collectors World Of Stone
We sway these tree-tops too Till we fall and tumble when we try to walk Coming up like summer flies >From deep in the jungle where the monkeys are taught To leap and fall around Soft and protected from this world of stone And we're in the caretaker's home Which is semi-detached in a world of stone We sway these trees, sure do So we fall and stumble when we try to talk Dressing up like summer flies >From down in the jungle where the monkeys got caught As they leap and fall around No longer protected by this world of stone And here is the caretaker's home Which is semi-detached in a world of stone Few if any of you are laughing now, but Merit to your world We sway these tree-tops too So we fall and fumble when we try to walk Dressing up like summer flies >From deep in the jungle where the monkeys are taught To leap and fall around Softly detected from this world of stone And this is the caretaker's home And it's semi-detached in a world of stone No none of you are laughing now, but Blueberries to your world