Imperious Rex Book Of Vengeance
When your blood is runnin' hot
Something's gotta give
You know it's pretty bad when this is how I live
Jumping out of my skin
The rage is ready to take control...
... but two more hours to go before I unload!
The meantime is cruel: stale, idle, still
The future is screaming for more!
So to pass the time between now and then
I crack a book before I kick down the door
Every word is written with care:
Tactfully, forcefully
Every word may be my last
Until the next bloody entry
Sweating in nightmares will make my mind explode
If I don't relieve the pressure
Veins rise to the surface, my skin burns red
Only one thing makes it all better:
Total violence pouring through my scrawling pen
Tearing through the paper in a fury
Finally with guns in hand, I take it to the streets
I'm the locked-and-loaded-one-man-jury!
Every word is written with care:
Tactfully, forcefully
Every word may be my last
Until the next bloody entry