Imperious Rex Madman
New blood, new guts! Can you feel it! I can! The old ways are cast aside
New destiny in our own hands: only we three will choose how we live, how we die
You must admit (don't you dare deny): it's why we were born, it's true!
So close your ears and boldly defy what everyone tells you to f..cking do... their rules!
Give us the one, true, the only!
Nothing else can possibly satisfy
Collecting dust can be so sad and lonely
The madman inside refuses to die
Thrashing and flailing in a disturbed sleep, his dreams start to dominate
I welcome the control, guide my hands! There's no f..cking time to waste!
Deliver our glory... we are one in destiny!
Now begins my final master plan! Be sure to follow close behind
You summoned me in a desperate race to squeeze every drop you can from the essence of life
Maybe we'll start with a drink or two? Indulgence is the first resort!
Blatant disregard for tomorrow will make today better than every day that's come before
My body recoils from the sheer power that no mortal man was meant to feel
With a wicked grin stretching from ear to ear, I'm alive and I know it's real!
Deliver our glory... we are one in destiny!