Inbred Good Ol' Daze
Remember the good old days people had different ways and they really were free and they could be anything that they wanted The government looked out for our best interests it was real democracy from sea to shining sea and if you believe THAT then... You're a bigger sap than they could ever be Trying to excuse ignorance as innocence & naivete But if you look carefully, Nothing much has changed Just the ways of domination have been rearranged like... Rambo instead of John Wayne Microchips for brains Commies instead of Japs Different covers, SAME OLD TRAPS... Tried to make us think we could hide under a tree from the bomb Or use a special soap to help the fallout wash right off Convince us that we need authority They know they can convince us of anything Convince us they're so powerful we shouldn't even try to fight back and we don't... Create problems to justify their existance in our eyes Funny how they always arrive at solutions only they can provide That's how they stay where they are! Co-operate gladly... obey blindly I guess some things never change DO THEY?