Indigo Girls Life Blood
"Lifeblood" is an Emily Saliers song from the 1986 Indigo Girls EP. I think the last time I heard it performed live was March of 1990. I'm transcribing the lyrics straight off of the lyric sheet from the EP, not from the song itself. Another night in a successsion Thinly glued with beer and wine It's a precarious profession Every day at work sees your heart on the line Maybe I should have gone to business school Or gained myself a respectable trade Or stayed in childhood where the shade keeps you cool Making my living selling lemonade Chorus: - But running through my veins Are the words and the refrains As if they were my lifeblood itself And I can't stay alive on the food of 9 to 5 If my dreams were just old pictures on the shelf - I remember the folks said give it a try Or you'll never know who you might have been And just remember, nothing is the end of the world Until the world comes to an end Still, there's a point to this philosophy Of taking a look at who you are Still sometimes all I have to help me see Are all the mirrors behind the bar - Chorus - Musical Interlude - Chorus