Jeniferever Everytime She Smiles
Things unsaid, should i care if it doesn't bother me.
Found myself staring nowhere in the lack of you.
Faultless you are while i'm not enough, a single movement
could make me fall apart. thought I was done with that.
Parting ways as these last few days. A single word to go,
another growing pain. You make me whole again.
Remember the sound. It echoes in me.
Same record playing over and over until I can't stand it.
A second try or should I leave it, the easy way to go.
Won't let the surrounding speak for me, they haven't done
Some day you will understand, now things aint as simple
as back then. But yet nothing has changed.
Days used to turn out the same, same old room staring
back at med. This is quite a relief.
Remember the sound. It echoes in me.
Same record playing over and over until I can't stand it.
Thought i wanted this. Not sure if I will find myself,
find myself again.