Jimmies Chicken Shack Return To Sender
this songs for my boy brice and my boy chapman and my girl jenny
>>start song<<
seven days, seven days in the same god damn room with two beds and a f..cked up tv
not a soul around
why did we come to this town
we finally got our house
and jim, scared of a little mouse
where are the pretty people
all that my brother, he could say
send her back to god
send her back to god
send her back to god
send her back to god
this is a guitar lead, Brice
see Brice don't like guitar leads
so ive been working on a guitar lead that Brice might like
seven days, seven days in the same god damn room with two bed and a f..cked up tv
was not enough to let us know that the communal way of living was the way for me
so we come back to the east coast
with all you uptight motherfuckers
who bouncing around taking my change trying to break your f..cking heads open
thats ok motherfuckers cause if i had my choice with you breaking my skull open
send us back to god
send us back to god
send us back up
we love it anyway
we f..ck it up today
we love it anyway
we love it anyway
return to sender
return to sender
return to sender
return to sender
i think i smell the kind
i think i smell the kind
why doesn't somebody pass that kind my way
>>songs over<<
thank you all
we, we're gonna have this on video
so we can look at it and go
damn we were ugly when we were young