Kikuo Cotton Candy
Cotton candy, cotton candy
Cotton candy in my head
Sweet and fluffy
Cotton candy in my head
Stuffed to the brim
Squish, squish
Sweet and sugary in my head
Please give me lots of cotton candy
Like the old days...
I want to go back to how we were
Unhappy cotton candy, eaten up in the blink of an eye
Forever, and ever, my head is empty, empty, empty
The old days, the old days, please let me go back
わたあめ わたあめ
頭のなか わたあめ
あまくて ふわふわ
頭のなか わたあめ
いっぱい 詰め込まれて ぎゅ ぎゅ
頭のなか あまあま
いっぱい わたあめください
むかしみたいに むかしのぼくらに戻りたい
かなしい わたあめ
ずっと 頭が からっからっから
むかしに むかしに あの頃に戻っておねがい
わたあめ わたあめ