Lee Bains Iii & The Glory Fires Centreville
If you hear any bleeding, it's just me and the boys
We're over-educated and we're under-employed
We're strictly and literally dressing dirty dirty --
Fresh white shirt, jeans ain't been cleaned since a month ago Thursday
Threw all our bets
Down 82 West
"Go on and get you a pull."
Wound up low-down and pitiful
We're broke down in Centreville
Got to roll on
You can blame it on the banks, the Baptists, the President
Or the press
Lay the blame on every damn thing but yourselves
We ain't trying to cast aspersions, or throw no stones;
We need them all to build this wall so y'all will leave us alone
Threw all our bets
Down 82 West
"Go on and get you a pull."
Wound up low-down and pitiful
We're broke down in Centreville
Got to roll on