Lightning Hopkins California Showers
Just take a look at the weather, it keep rainin' all
the time
Just take a look at the weather, it keep rainin' all
the time
You know it be rainin' this minute and the next minute,
you look up and you'll see sunshine
Tell me why there's rain, why it storm in California
all the time
Tell me why do it rain, why it storm in California all
the time
I don't want the rain but you still have plenty
You know it keeps on rainin', you know this poor man
can't make no time
You know if it keeps on rainin', you know this poor man
can't make no time
You know if I can't go to my job, how I'm gonna feed
this family of mine?
You know the poor children are runnin' "I'm hungry",
when I don't have a lousy dime
Poor children runnin', cryin' "Daddy I'm hungry" and I
don't have a lousy dime
That's the reason I was singin' when it started rainin'
in California, why do it keep rainin' all the time?
You know it was dark and cloudy, raindrops settled on
my window pane
You know it was dark it was cloudy, the raindrops
settled on my window pane
You know my children didn't have nothin' to eat, now
peoples ain't that a cryin' shame
My poor wife walkin', tellin' the children this is a
cryin' shame
My poor wife walkin', tellin' the children this is a
cryin' shame
Yeah we all goin' down starvation I do believe but your
daddy ain't to blame
That's all right, that's all right, you don't have to
worry no more
That's all right, that's all right, children you don't
have to worry no more
You know the sun is shinin' now, cool breeze from the
sweet wind how it blow