Little Dead Bertha Requiem
Oh, I hail to you, Bertha.
You swim in reflection of the stars.
But your reflection is incomplete
And look, as greedy tendencies
Hand is stuck to your body
You transparent deceptive
You lie and draw me
But I swim from depth of the stars
All that I remember
I dont know your voice
I never now remember about it
Climbs down on wall and dont remember
This walls broken gap
Someday they destroying me.
Baby, you must die
But I cut my vein
But in lifes does not be a love
Over wall take care of me
Someday they destroying me.
Opened lips repeat without words
"Rust of the riped stars"
Your reflection thrill, your look - is crack
Good by, Bertha, good by
Goodbye, my little dead Bertha
Goodbye, my little dead Bertha