Lonnie Johnson Go Back To Your No Good Man
It's true you
Bake good jelly roll
The best I've ever found
It's true you bake good jelly roll, the best I've ever found
But, it's one thing you gotta stop mama, that's serving it all over town
Don't you think because I love you, you can play me for a chump
To my face
Don't you think because I love you, you can play me for a chump to my face
But I'm not as dumb as you think, there's another woman to fill your place
Give me them clothes I bought you, take my diamonds off your hand
Give me them clothes I bought you, take my diamonds off your hand
Now, you just like I found you, go back to your handy man
Now, I put shoes on your feet when your bare feet was pattin' the ground
Now, I put shoes on your feet when your bare feet was pattin' the ground
While I was out slaving for you, you was chasin' every rat in town
Now, woman I stuck with you when you didn't have a friend at all
Now, woman I stuck with you when you didn't have a friend at all
So give them shoes I bought you, and that wig, and let your head go bald