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Death In April Lyrics

Album Name : Coward
Release Date : 2006-09-05
Song Duration : 4:34

Made Out Of Babies Death In April

Small Body on the Road Coat still sheened with Spring
It's eyes still black And soft and warm and clean It's
legendary quickness of feet Too slow for the truck's
wheels Or teeth Matter of Minutes and hours all gone
Picked up for someone else's feast And again, and again
and again and again Body on the Road Coat still sheened
with Spring It's eyes still black And soft and warm and
clean It's legendary speed Outrun by hungry truck wheels
The song was short as it was sweet His song was short as
it was sweet Soft with Spring Warm and Clean Bright and
Mean Short and Sweet Hungry Teeth Dull the sheen Make the
Feast Soft with Spring

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