Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats Catnipping Green
As I roved on outside one evening so fair
To pounce on small crickets and chase birds in the air
I heard an old Tom cat a-singing a song
Lying in catnips that's mine before long
Wrap me up in a fresh bed of catnip
No more in my house I'll be seen
Just tell me old litter mates
It smells good and tastes great
And I'll see ye someday on Catnipping Green
Now Catnipping Green is a place I've heard tell
Where kitty cats go when their nine lives fail
Where the sun beam is warm and the bird wings are frayed
And there's nary a pussy cat around that's been spayed
When your locked up inside, and your humans leave too
There's mices that scuttle, and laces on shoes
There's bubbles of catnip that blow 'round freely
And the fawcets have milk that turn on when you sing
Where there's plenty to climb and no vets to impale
And you pounce on a fish bowl with a flick of your tail
Where you lie at your leisure and clean your fur too
Though I guess that's no different than you normally do
Now I don't want a human to dote over me
Well maybe a neck rub, then I'll leave for the green
And other cats will sniff the catnip on my paws
Then meow as they pounce on me while singing this song