Martin Simpson Beaulampkin
[Verse 1]
Beaulampkins was as fine a mason as ever laid stone
He built a fine castle, and pay he got none
Says the landlord to the lady: "when I am from home
Beware of Beaulampkins lest he catch you alone"
Said the lady to the landlord: "you need not fear him
For the doors are all bolted and our windows barred in"
[Verse 2]
Beaulampkins rode by, when the landlord was away
And spying a false nurse at a window did say:
"Oh where is the landlord and is he at home?"
"No he's gone to merry England, for to visit his son"
"And where is the lady and is she within?"
"She's upstairs sleeping", says the false nurse to him
"If the lady she is upstairs, how shall we get her down?"
"We'll stick her little baby full of needles and pins"
So Beaulampkins [?], the false nurse, she sung
And the tears and the red blood from the cradle did run
[Verse 3]
Oh the lady she come downstairs, not thinking much harm
Beaulampkins [?] and he took her in his arms
"Oh spare me, Beaulampkins, oh spare me a while
Don't you hear how very mournful my baby does cry?
Oh spare me, Beaulampkins, oh spare me a day
And you shall have as much gold as your horse can take away
Oh spare me, Beaulampkins, oh spare me an hour
And you shall have my daughter Betsy my own blooming flower"
"You can keep your daughter Betsy to wade in the flood
Now hold this silver basin for to catch your heart's blood"
[Verse 4]
Oh stay daughter Betsy, in your chamber so high
Til you see your own father as he comes riding by
"Oh father", said Betsy, when the landlord come home
"Beaulampkin killed my mother while you were gone"
And Beaulampkins was hanged, on the gallows so high
The false nurse burned to a stake standing by