Matthew Ward Time Will Tell
Father in Heaven
How long will Your mercy stay
How long will Your hand keep
The judgment of death away
From a land who names Your name
A land founded on love
But rejecting Your freedom
We turn to follow hollow gods
Time will tell who'll prevail
The man who will bend his knee
Righteous ones whose hearts travail
They ceaselessly intercede
Father in Heaven
May Your mercy stay
Grant us desire
To turn from our godless ways
Time will tell who'll prevail
The man who will bend his knee
Righteous ones whose hearts travail
They ceaselessly intercede
Here we are
Becoming godless
Losing vision to follow You
A dimming star
Depending less and less
On Your light to see us through
Rekindle the embers glowing
Fan quickly the sparks into a flame
So we can rise in Jesus' name
Time will tell who'll prevail
The man who will bend his knee
Righteous ones whose hearts travail
They ceaselessly intercede
Time will tell who'll prevail
The man who will bend his knee
Righteous ones whose hearts travail
They ceaselessly intercede