Metal Anger Losing Life
Maybe I might say goodbye, not to be so down now.
Good experience of all our lives, lived together.
Make us suffer, then give us welfare, and when
I open my eyes again,
You have gone in a sigh... say good bye to your brother.
Everytime I see the past, there you are smiling.
Then I try to talk to you one last time, can you feel it?
Crying your name, guilty for the rest of my loneliness.
I pray for that man that was called brother...
My brother.
Losses take your essence.
Your remains lie on earth.
Still I see when you laid your face on us, some part of that day,
Lives in my head, trying to go out, with my tears.
Lived time was not enough to me... so much to teach here.
Present needs you, and only has your stories...
Your story.
Losses take your essence.
Your remains lie on earth.
Losses take your essence.
Your remains lie here on earth.
Before you were born, your cradle was cursed.
You shined as the sun, and that sun
Is losing its life.
Losses take your essence.
Your remains lie on earth.
Losses take your essence and
They become your foe.
Your remains lie on earth
Under some cold broken stones.