Micah Bournes Every Poem
A friend of mine bragged “I'm working on a new poem.” “What's it about?” I asked. He laughed and said “What else?” Seeing my dismay he explained “I'm convinced that every poem, and every song and every rhyme from the beginning of time until the apocalypse
Will be and has been about the same tiny word with gargantuan significance. Love. Now I'm not saying everyone is praising love, but rather its presence or absence in each artist's life influences every word they write. Even those who compose lyrics lamenting the futility of being only exemplify their need for love. For no one who knows love believes life is devoid of purpose. Then others think that Love ain't worth it. It might have its perks but most people like to flirt with whatever they wish, so they make music about making love instead of knowing true love, desiring Love's benefits, but not a relationship
Then some sing that love is for the weak and they don't need it
While others tried it, got disappointed by it, only to convince themselves that it's not real. Yet no matter how bitter they feel towards love, it's impossible to ignore love. So they rhyme about love being a waste of time. A myth which only fools believe in. While foolish poets cry "Amen! We are fools for Love and proud of it." For they believe it is the only thing that gives life meaning. They would rather die for it then live without it. They shout its praises with the same intensity of those who vocalize their hatred. And so this war between loveless poets and those who believe rages through the ages on book pages, stages, radio waves and screens. Inexhaustibly pushing their perspectives on what Love is or isn't, but in the end, love doesn't need a defense, it is what it is.”
“My” I said, “that's quite a view, and if it be true, I conclude something huge. According to my theology, 1st John 4:8 states God is Love. Thus according to your theory I suggest that every poem, and every song and every rhyme from the beginning of time until the apocalypse will be and has been about, God. I'm not saying everyone is praising God, but rather His presence or absence in each artist's life influences every word they write. Even those who compose lyrics lamenting the futility of being only exemplify their need for God. For no one who knows God believes life is devoid of purpose. Then others think that God ain't worth it. He might have His perks but most people like to flirt with whatever they wish, so they make music about making gods instead of knowing the true God, desiring God's benefits but not a relationship
Then some sing that God is for the weak and they don't need Him
While others tried Him, got disappointed by Him, only to convince themselves that He's not real. Yet no matter how bitter they feel towards God, it's impossible to ignore God. So they rhyme about God being a waste of time. A myth which only fools believe in
While foolish poets cry "Amen! We are fools for God and proud of it."
For they believe He is the only thing that gives life meaning. They would rather die for Him then live without Him. They shout His praises with the same intensity of those who vocalize their hatred. And so this war between Godless poets and those who believe rages through the ages on book pages, stages, radio waves and screens. Inexhaustibly pushing their perspectives on who God is or isn't, But in the end, God
Doesn't need a defense, He is who He is. Amen