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Melon Blade Lyrics

Milk Teeth Melon Blade

So I'll just _(steal/feed/eat)_(?) the moon(?)
With nothing more than a crooked spoon
It's possible, we messed up too soon X1

You'll keep a close eye
on the ever passing time
_(A fake a)_(?)
Left turn towards the air
A brick wall through the bend
Things you don't care to know
A burst of color, an open window
Sharp pain, a smiling face
You're nothing more than empty space

So I'll just _(steal/feed/eat)_(?) the moon(?)
With nothing more than a crooked spoon
It's possible, we messed up too soon X1

The next time I arrive
I hope I feel more alive
A lack of want, a lack of drive
It's all spun 'round in my mind
Is this wrong, is this right
I won't know until next time
I guess I'll just live my life
As another body in line

So I'll just _(steal/feed/eat)_(?) the moon(?)
With nothing more than a crooked spoon
It's possible, we messed up too soon X1

I am just a girl / I am just a boy
My hair is long / My hair is long
My eyes are green / My eyes are blue
I still feel pain / And I still feel pain

I didn't cry last night X2
But I am dead inside,
dead inside

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