Monkees Dandruff
by Jack Nicholson & Robert Rafelson "Supernatural, perhaps..." "Change one tape, the entire process is regeared. Leisure: the inevitable by-product of our civilization. The tragedy of your times, my young friends, is that you may get exactly what you want." Cop: "Out..." Mike: "Oh" Cop: "Out...get outta here." Micky: "Hi. What's going on?" Cop: "Move it! Out!" Peter: "Oh, hello officer, certainly glad to..." Cop: "Shut up!...Okay, weirdos..." Director: "Alright, fellas, will you come forward, please?" Micky: "Who's that?" Director: "Alright, now, jump up and down a little, huh, fellas? Get lost in it..."" Davy: "Jump into this?!? What is this stuff?" Director: "...there you go...very good. Look, you're supposed to be dandruff, fellas." All: "Dandruff?" Director: "Will you work at it, please? Jump up and down a little bit..." Playback: "Dandruff, dandruff..." Director: "Good, that's better, that's good."