Monty Python Eric The Half A Bee
Orchestra Leader:A-one, two, a-one two three four Leader: Half a bee, philisophically, Must ipso facto half not be. But half a bee has got to be Vis a vis it's entity. -d'you see? But can a bee be said to be Or not to be an entire bee, When half the bee is not a bee, Due to some ancient injury. -Singing!... All sing: La di di, one two three, Eric the Half a Bee. A B C D E F G, Eric the Half a Bee. Leader: Is this wretched demi-bee, Half asleep upon my knee, Some freak from a mena gerie? All yell: No! It's Eric the Half a Bee. All sing: Fiddle di dum, fiddle di dee, Eric the Half a Bee. Ho ho ho, tee hee hee, Eric the Half a Bee. Leader: I love this hive employ-ee-ee, Bisected accidentally, One summer's afternoon by me, I love him carnally. All sing: He loves him carnally... Leader: Semi-carnally. (speaks) The End. Voice: Cyril Connolly? Leader: No, semi-carnally. Voice: Oh. All sing: (Quietly) Cyril Connolly (Ends with an elaborate whistle)