Mordechai Ben David Someday We Will All Be Together
Alone in a dark frigid cellar Alone just a small group of men When in rushed the soldiers and led them all away The flame of Torah flickered on that day So many tears, so much sorrow The pain has lasted thousands of years but soon we'll stop crying the cruelty will end and Melech HaMoshiach will be sent Someday we'll be sheltered and warm Never will we have to express any fear Our scars and our wounds will disappear Avraham and Yitzchok will be there to greet us Yaakov and his sons will stand by and smile Moshe Rabbeinu will lead us once again in Yerushalayim - B'Ezras Hashem We learn every day and we daven We ask Hashem please bring those old times back We all know that your'e listening of course we know it's true For I've received the promise and so have you That Hashem will lead us out of this galus It won't be too much longer you know why and then together we're all going to daven Together we're all going to sing We're going to praise and thank you Hashem for everything Someday....