Morpholatria Where Visions Are Buried
(music and lyrics by Ansis Markauss) I saw myself in misted mirror Thought that he was someone else What I have left was no more than zero World behind me is under a spell I can't tell you what I feel Wounds of life are not to be healed Blood is sweet - taste it from my veins I go farther - you stay among the insane Death does not take away your sorrows Promise of silence is empty and hallow Just for a while it lets you look into well Reflection shows you how low you fell Tired of the run of time I couldn't find my place on earth Life is river which washes ashore Those who weren't chosen since the very birth Strive for the unknown is your elation Laurels to reach and glory to gain Reason of life demands no incantation To search it elsewhere is all what has remained It's just a weakness to face the life Your Golden years have gone leaving strife You will always have time to dig your own grave Yet your soul have not felt a life's powerful grace Death is a trap for the superstitious Sidestep of stream is not an acquisition Love can guide you to perfection If only death could help you to attain?