My Brightest Diamond 8 Balls
8 Balls
Wedge of a sum inside our members
Loading our guns to cock at each other
Tongues will lash til you’re cut in two
Deadly the poison when the fire is loosed
When the fire is loosed, when the fire is loosed
Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe
Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe
Eight balls for some hearts for another
Weapons of choice under the covers
Two guns inside the head seeking the other
Capture the hunter or he will shoot 'til he’s dead
Shoot 'til he’s dead
Shoot 'til he’s dead
Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe
Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe
Darling won’t you stop arguing
Stop arguing
Darling won’t you stop arguing
Stop arguing
Stop arguing, stop arguing, stop arguing