My Darling Clementine Put Your Hair Back
I'll put my hair, back behind my ears
Out of myeyes, I won't leave a strand
So you can watch the running of mytears
And you can try to understand
You sit on the bed just crying
And I stand staring into space
Honey it's not for the lack of trying
But I just cannot see your face
So I'll put my hair back behind my ears
Out of my eyes, I won't leave a strand
So you can watch the running of my tears
And you can try to understand
I don't need a scarlet ribbon
I don't need no Alice band
All I need are your sweet fingers
Running through my hair, and wrapped around my hand
So put your hair back behind your ears
Out of your eyes, don't leave a strand
And I will watch the running of your tears
And I will try to understand
Yes I will try to understand