Natalie Merchant King Of May
Farewell today Travel on now Be on your way Go safely there And never worry, never care Beyond this day Farewell tonight To all joy and to all the life Go on, go peacefully We can't keep your majesty Be on your way Make may for the last king of May And make a cardboard crown for him And make your voices one Praise the crazy mother's son, who loved his life Farewell today Travel on now Be on your way Can't bear the very thought that we That we could keep your majesty Be on your way Make way for the last king of May And make a hole in the cloud for him Raise your voices up Drink your loving cup To his long life To his long life Make way for the last king of May Make a hole in the sky for him And raise your voices up Lift your loving cup To his long life His long life And raise your voices up Lift you loving cup To his long life To his long life His long life His long life