Negator Rite Of The Trident
The paths of above and below I walk
Throvgh fire, water, air and earth
As ancient powers within the sovl of man converge
At the center of the eye of the three-horned god
The cloak of Hecate is cast throvgh night and day
I stand vpon the earth as the prince of this world
Child of the goddess and the three-horned god
Who commands the powers of empyrean and infernal conjoined
Throvgh the vortex of the open abyss
I embody the vnlimited magick of heaven and hell
Now merged in death
Lord of all lords, great king of wisdom
Gvardian of ancient forbidden knowledge
Three-horned one, I call to thee
Dark god who protects all who walk the path of the wise
Great serpent god of the trident
Mighty king of fire hearken my prayer
As I call to the lord of lords - as the prince of this earth
He who gvides the kin of Hecate
I call yov forth - lord and master
Keeper of the secrets of the hidden paths
Rise to this work to empower and to gvide me
Rise to this rite of the trident this night
Great serpent god of the trident
Mighty king of fire hearken my prayer
As I call to the lord of lords - as the prince of this earth
He who gvides the kin of Hecate
Lord of all lords, god of the secret path
Lord of the ancient art of the sacred pact
Throvgh flesh and spirit I call to thee
With strengthened mind and pvre at heart I call to thee