Noctem Yells In The Eternity
There were times of arduous battle to control de powers
of the universe, trying to destroy one another.
Benevolent Gods and spectra of destruction in a never-
ending battle, resolved to agree to a truce for some
time, thus leaving the custody of the earth to both
mortals and immortals for ages.
[Yells in the eternity]
As dead stars falling from the sky
The horn of war sounds among the yells
wonderful blood bath
everything can end in the eternity
the batle for the complete domain
drink his sweet blood
destroy his cruel soul
ancient god
struggle fervently
for the purity of the brilliency
establish your will
by you divine wrath
sows the new age
to conquer the kingdom of the flesh
death nestles in our damned battlefields
for the glory of the divine empire
sweet blood shed as red love
dyes the land of the eternity path
I reborn with infinite migtht
I'm elected by the sacred flame
you can't watch for your unhappy destination
crowned by the folly you exist in superficiality
date vostre animi himi
celebratum with mortal flesh
and a flash of lightning stops the neverending battle
fell and died the leaders
covenanting a truce wich withdrawn the hosts
in dispersion.
and the land remained governed by the ignorance
in a gloom abism waiting for it's decadence
the human wish the perfection
divine filthiness
crowned by the sins, wrapped in madness
rotted by desires
I reborn with infinite migtht
I'm elected by the sacred flame
date vostre animi himi
celebratum with mortal flesh
you can hate me
but you can't destroy me.
I hate the life
to live forever it's a
present that grant my gods
the light illuminates me
I'm the beginning of the end
the hope expires under my edge
with the power of my gods can hiden or destry the sun.