Obruthion Spellbound Stone
It was long ago when the mountains started to grumble
and the old legend to rise
There was an old man lying in a barn and like an
ancient mystery glowed his eyes
They told the story foretold that has been hidden for
but in his eyes, so deep inside, could be found the
reason for his crystalline tears
A young man filled with strenght and hope climbs on the
mountain of silence
Searching for answers he could never find and now he
has come for an alliance
In this place where the wind always blows he stands so
mighty and brave
But in his heart he knows that he muist speak to the
Gods if he wants his land to be saved
So he raised his sword
and called for the mighty lords
who rule upon these sacred land
He was a little afraid but he hid
it in his heart and tightened the
grib of his hands
[Now atlast he thought that the time had come when he
heard the whispering voice
But suddently the sky lightened and he took a couple
steps back, so impressed he
was by this God-made noice]
This God who came forth was sent from the North and his
words were like the fall of the rain
And by his side, so magical it seemed, stood a long and
curved wooden cane
The young one gathered all his strenght and spoke to
the ancient one
He said: "Our land is in war, we can't stand this pain
anymore, please help us to get things done."
After a while of complete silence the mighty one
started to talk
and in his heart the young one knew that this journey
hasn't been a meaningless walk
"You can win if you follow my advice and keep your
faith on the Gods
But if you betray and choose the other side then your
destiny shall be driven
to a different and very painful paths.
[Now do as I tell you and you shall have the victory on
your task. Find the sacred stone!
It will help you to reveal and remove your enemies evil
After these words the Mighty One turned into a crow and
flied away, wind under his wings,
leaving the young one alone. As he climbed down the
mountain he thought what
The Mighty One had said and suddently his mind
brightened when he remembered what he had read:
"It has been said that The Stone is held in the temple
of eloquence
and the one who desires it would have to face the
horrors of the maze of impertinence."
These words as his guide he believed that he could find
the one he seeks and after many weeks
he was desperate and weak, but now he wondered what
might be that terrible smell that all over reeks.
He saw a great palace with pillars of marble standing
there before hie eyes
but the smell told him that this building was the home
of all the lies.
He entered this unholy palace to find the one he was
after. The place was filled with red gleaming light and
suddently he heard a voice that sounded like an
infernal laughter. And forth came a demon that
descended from the ceiling and evil glowed in its one
terrible eye. It said:
"You have come for the one that belongs to me and now
has come your time to die!"
The demon attacked and terrible was it's strenght, but
the young one fought bravely and finally defeated the
fiend, so unscrubulous. And now when the fiend was dead
the young one started to feel the intimacy
of the stone and he saw it lying on a pillow near the
palaces majestic throne.
He walked to the throne to pick up the mystic rock but
when he touched it he felt terrible pain and suddently
heard a knock. The power of the rock filled the young
one completely and it locked his soul to stay in this
palace for eternity. He could have dropped the rock and
thus his destiny would have been changed but so
stubborn he was that he hold his grib and now he is
eternally chained.
Now that the legend is told and all the secrets
Can the teller of this story finally get to sleep.