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Old And Hideous Lyrics

Ondskapt Old And Hideous

Forged after death's design
On the poisoned fruit it dines
Whilst drinking the blood of mankind

Gulping down all in its path
The old and wretched human monolith
Violates all natural laws as it is rotten to the core

Moving in no practical manor
Evolving into a detrimental
Noxious scale of man

Old and hideous is this grotesque mankind
Infanticide of all the living
The ends justify the means
Adrammelech moved his great will
Unto all children

Emanations and the ashes of old bare your thoughts
Consumed by the all of being
Clandestine are the loamings
In thе cracks of a metaphysical self
Seek within yourself and rеality
In for death as demons make love to shrieking
Angels for all of the gods to see
Truth remains in the great catacombs
Deep in the earth
Moving in uncontrollable despair
As man's heart turns to stone
