Paramaecium Of My Darkest Hour
Lassitude overwhelming me, my consideration to relent once more strengthened with time. But the pervasiveness of the promise, "Thou shalt not be enticed beyond thy strength to withstand," held firm and true in my heart; the foundation of truth, beaten and lashed and covered over by the waves of uncertainty, yet still unmoved and untouched. "Stay with me," implored De-syr. These, the final moments of my darkest hour serve to reinforce my confidence in power. I overcome temptation but the dragon threatens "For thine is the hour but mine is the day." I fought long to leave the dark side for life is a moment and death the eternity. Far from the sky my soul is calling. Far from the sky my tear drops falling. Vilified faces everywhere are turning their gazes from the air. They relinquish their hearts without a care as they're turning their faces. Far from the sky; my thoughts are waning. Far from the sky my life is draining. Ever the nightfall kills the sun and the stars are seducing everyone. They clamber to heed the mindless ones as ever the night falls far.