Parvati Sanctified Skin
Desire weaves her bliss serene
Watch life’s fabric unravel
As the dance, the dance begins
Stars! Skin!
Stars! Feel how they do tumble,
They tumble down from the great, open void
The light slips and shines and seeps into my spine.
It animates my cells with the voice of angels.
My body being hum and two become one
In my warm, moist skin
Sanctified skin
Breathe it all
Into my sanctified skin
My body is my temple. I play inside.
It is so peaceful and even quite sublime.
I am an earthly traveler making peace with my tribe.
I wear this human spacesuit where spirit can find
The light that shines within
Sanctified skin
My body is no sin
Sanctified skin
I celebrate my sanctified skin
Love emanates through my sanctified skin
Life gyrates behind sanctified skin
I breathe it all in…and life begins!
Stars! Sanctified! Skin!
Stars! Feel how they do tumble,
They tumble down from the great open void
Man and woman love in swaying dancing rhythm, in surrender
Ride and dive deep within
Through sanctified skin
My body is no sin
Sanctified skin
I celebrate my sanctified skin
Love emanates thru my sanctified skin
Life gyrates behind sanctified skin
I breathe it all in…and life begins!