Patti Jo Roth-edwards Summer Wine
Summer Wine
Words and music by Patti Jo Roth-Edwards
Copyright 2014 Patti Jo Edwards
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
Autumn had arrived and it was time
To gather up the apples and make some wine
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
It all happens by God's design
Apples from the tree and berries from the vine
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
It is magic – time brings change
Whatever the weather – snow or rain
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
Seasons change – winter time
Light the fire and share the wine
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
Spring brings flowers to the trees
Promise of what is to be
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
Blessed fruit, ripe and fine,
Shared with friends in Summer Wine
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
All year round than back again,
Bountiful harvest shared with friends and
Ooo oo Summer wine - Ooooo Summer wine
Ooooo Summer wine