Petra God Fixation
He's got a straight head in a world of brain dead He's got a clean nose even when the wind blows He's got a backbone even when he's all alone Ain't taken no chances following the masses He's got his mind set On high with his affections He's got the jones He makes no bones Chorus: It's a God fixation A singleness of heart, an undistracted mind It's a God fixation Addiction of a different kind He's got 20/20 vision making a decision He's so unaffected by what he has rejected Rooted and grounded - he's standin' up to be counted And he's already proved that he will not be moved He will not bend to The pressures and persuasions He knows the lies He won't compromise (Chorus) Bridge: Fascinations In the heavenlies Imaginations In captivity (Chorus) (Chorus)