Plasmarifle Exhaling Life As Ink On A Page
Staring at blank lines;
At what does not exist.
At all the unborn potential,
At what could be if...
Open your mind and look beyond this,
Dare ask the question.
Past this finite nothingness,
Into the infinite - dream.
An invisible world surrounds this fragile mortal shell,
that we seldom reflect upon.
Yet within this quiet place, truth is found.
Blank lines now fade...
Pen strokes form words...
By an unnamed faceless author, whose expansive vocabulary
crafts a story on...
Pages we call life.
Open your mind and look beyond this,
Dare ask the question.
Past this finite nothingness,
Into the infinite - dream.
The story unfolds before my very eyes.
Each new chapter written holds the key...
To my purpose...
To my understanding...