Pro-pain Switchblade Knife
Rise and shine, get out of bed
And I'm a warmachine again
Beat my meat a few times and
I am feeling mean my friend
Me, myself and I'm coming
It's best to watch your back
You are mine and I'm gunnin'
I swear I'll beat you black
I'm gonna get you and leave you for dead
And I'm gonna beat you with a blow to the head
You'll never forget me for the rest of my life
Cause I am gonna cut you like a switchblade knife
Feed the fire cause I'm waiting
My fist will break your face
Find your house and I'll take it and ransack the place
Fear itself is still looking to shut you up for good
It's your life and I'll take it
I'd kill you if I could
Strange thoughts are going out of my brain
Standing naked with a knife in the rain
Got my fix, now I'm feeling alright
New York's so pretty at this time of night