Raid Your Warning
a state of destruction you've inhaled. as the poison
surges through your veins a cancer breeds, breeds from
deep within. your body is decaying and your life's caving
f..cking in. i shall judge, judge you from where you
stand. as a slave to a drug your life's nonproductive.
your stagnation is counter revolutionary. addiction to
pleasure won't foster true liberation until you liberate
yourself. your doctrine of freedom is an absurdity,
controlled by a drug but maintains to be free. indulge in
your pleasure, bathe in your death, take the path that is
easiest. it's all a matter of strength and on your
gravestone...i will stand. purification throught
discipline, my knowledge is superior and my tolerance
wears thin. what you put into your body is what you
become. drug free - death will be your outcome. take
this as your warning.