Random Encounters Baldi's Big Zoo
This is a lion! Its likes to roar!
This is a tiger! It's tail is sore…
This hungry hippo would like some more,
And they're all in Baldi's Big Zoo!
This is a cheetah! It likes to run!
This little otter just loves the sun!
This is a lemur! It has a gun!
And they're all in Baldi's Big Zoo!
This is a parrot, and some can talk.
This is a panda eating bamboo stalks.
This is a…. uh… what is that?
This big bovine is a yak.
This wet chicken tends to quack.
This sea monster wants a snack,
And I will hug a moose!
This is a fish and this is a bird
And this is a tree and this is a turd
And this is a rock-
Oh, this is absurd!
No punching students in the halls!
No picking noses in the halls!
No taking selfies in the halls!
There's no halls in Baldi's Big Zoo!
This is a tortoise; it has a shell.
This is a tyrannosaurus, as far as I can tell…
This abomination was made in Hell-
-And they're all in Baldi's Zoo!