Ridgio Insignificant
Since I was born they called me Insignificant
Had dreams of whipping it
Flipping it
Niggas ain't in my league
They can stand next to it
Oh so gay to me
Now eyybody celibate
Get rich and chill with the guys
And have hella sex
What the hell wrong witchall
Boa that's dick on yo breath
Kid get away from me
I ain't a box of trix
My view ain't from the six
Ain't up off in yo mix
Still make a billion
Don't need yo collaborance
"Oo boy you cocky"
Oh no ho I'm confident
Hold up I take that back finna b confi rich
Den give it back
Show that I have no need of it
Please show the speed of it
Then show the heat of it
Ain't no deleting it
I feel 16 wid it
10 years off in my tank
And I been thru wid dank
Now I can show they ass
Show em how much it stank
Million trillion billion boy need to break the bank
Bout a billion other boys that can't break a safe
But my job to you to tell that it ain't so safe
Everything that's gone happen finna fall in place
I forgot I'm getting way to into it
Niggas ain't in my league they can stand next to it
Getting it flipping it
Had dreams of whipping it
Since I was young they called me insignificant