Rizen You've Done So Much
God Sent his Son,
They Called him Jesus Christ
He Came to Love, Heal and Forgive
That's why I know....
You've Done So much for me not to Worship
You've Done So much for me not to Worship, Wosrhip
You've Done So much for me not to Worship
He Went To Calvary, to save me from my sins
SopranoAlto- Restored my soul, and made me
Whole, whoa
I lift my hands to Worship
I lift my voice to Worship
I bow before Your Name
AD Lib
We lift our hands to Worship
We lift our voice to Worship
We bow before Your Name
We Love You, We Love You
We Praise You, We Praise You
Hallejuah, Hallejuah
AD Lib
I Love You, I Love You
I Praise You, I Praise You
Hallejuah, Halllejuah
You've Done So much,
You've Done So much, much
You've Done So much,
You've Done So much, much
You've Done So much
For Me...
You've Done So Much For Me Not To Worship