Ruby Throat Out Of A Black Cloud Came A Bird
Out of a black cloud came a bird
Insouciant lay down deferred
The taste of you, my fingers heard
Out of a black cloud came a bird
Out of a black cloud came a bird
She fingered my hips
With her blonde fingertips
A hangnail set upon a rough terrain
Out of a black cloud came a bird
She came, she came, she came
She came, she came
Tiny bird on skeleton heels
Scratches her name in the sky
Constellations splintering
Stars in my retinae
Out of a black cloud came a bird
Insouciant lay down deferred
The taste of you, my fingers heard
Out of a black cloud came a bird
Out of a black cloud came a bird
Out of a black cloud came a bird
Out of a black cloud came a bird
She came, she came, she came
She came