Sayonara Ganesh
Signs were pointing to a street
They said,"Decorate. With billboards put on display, write words anyone
can read"
There is no shame in communicating in a casual, understandable way
I am dying to believe
That there is love in everything
Translate it as you will
Manipulate it
Its taken a long time to get to the center
Of what we were thinking but couldn't remember
Maybe we try too hard to be what we are searching after
I know you're smarter than you look
It's still alright if you can't decide
Temple's calling like a deep-sea whale song
Haunting and beautiful
Don't tell me that I'm a fake
This solid state is so misleading
But the shell was filled for reasons that are speaking up
All you deer are in the way
Of headlights you won't escape
Maybe we try too hard to be what we are searching after
I know you're smarter than you look
It's still alright if you can't decide
Its taken a long time to get to the center
Of what we were thinking but couldn't remember
Maybe we try too hard to be what we are searching after
I know you're smarter than you look
It's still alright if you can't decide
Lyrics By Debbie Pucek