Shonuffnyc Pops Call
Motivation can come from anywhere
I never expected this call
Aye son I want you to remember music is a tough business
Dont let those guys get you on the edge
And always remember the sho must go on
Grind stay focus, stay away from those flies and mosquitos man
Cuz you know they sometimes can be a pest
You know you gotta stay focused and try and stay on your grind like I said
Also I want you to always remember that family is more important than anything else
So once everything around you is good and you good
You can always help and look out for everybody else
Make sure your team stay tight
And make sure you shine
It's your time to shine son
Ya know because you out there for one reason
And that whole reason is for that sho to go on
So, make sure you do what you gotta do
Go get it, talk to you later
Ight bye