Steignyr Steignyr
Bounded by fate
cause of braves
the berserk
ruthless fighter
lives for wars
dip in blood of the enemies
his sword
is his word
and his skin
the only armour he needs
a draconian
evil hybrid
quick as wind
flying through the black fogg
The druid
wise sorces
friend of beasts
the enviroment protects him
In the battle
when danger lurks
they come
always brave and prepared
when the enemy
is more powerful than they
together they will stand
and nothing will stop
the charge of (their) steel
The Brotherhood
of heroes called
At glory's doors
Kings of time they will be
Until Heimdall's horn was heard
There, where rules the law of fear, where the weak
embrace the despair,
someone will call the heroes, will call Steignyr