Strawbs Champion Jack
My hero was a boxer
He used to fight southpaw
These who fought against him
Said he had an iron jaw
He took a million punches
But never felt a thing
He never was defeated
In any boxing ring
Champion Jack was cautious
With decisions that he made
He signed on for the Army
To learn himself a trade
War broke out in '39
They sent him overseas
Shipped out to the Far East
To fight the Japanese
The Champion was on the ropes
At the fall of Singapore
Jack laid down his riflе
A prisoner of war
Jack's days were spеnt in agony
His nights were spent in pain
He never did complaining
It went against the grain
Three years on Death Railway
The physical neglect
He suffered degradation
But kept his self-respect
At last the war was over
Redemption took its course
In his dreams Jack took revenge
He didn't show remorse
Jack was flown from prison camp
To San Francisco Bay
He sent a picture postcard
I keep it to this day
Welcome home in England
Jack found himself a wife
Raised himself a family
And led a simple life
Jack kept his dallier secrets
From those who shared his love
You never saw the velvet fist
Inside his iron glove
The bell rang for the final round
Of the Champion's last fight
Jack's blood count had been falling
He countered with his right
Toe to toe they traded blows
Sweat dripped from every pore
The referee stepped in
As the judges scored a draw
Champion Jack still strides the land
With dignity and pride
Erich day I stand beside him
I feel his strength inside