Super Furry Animals Wherever I Lay My Phone (that's My Home)
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got city and guilds
I've got city and guilds
She's got city, I've got guilds
In desktop publishing
I've got city and guilds
I've got city and guilds
She's got city, I've got guilds
In desktop publishing
SFA okay
SFA okay
Super Furry Animal
SFA okay
SFA okay
SFA okay
Super Furry Animal
SFA okay
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
Tumor on the brain
Tumor on the brain
Status symbol disease says
Tumor on the brain
Tumor on the brain
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
I've got style 'n' rock 'n' roll
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile phone
Wherever I lay my phone that's my home
I've got mobile
Wherever I, phone