Takako Minekawa Kangaroo Pocket Calculator
47 is a magical number. 47 plus 2 equals 49. 47 times 2 equals 94. 49 and 94. 94 and 49. 47. 47 is a magical number. 47 plus 2 equals 49. 47 times 2 equals 94. 49 and 94. 94 and 49. 47. Relationship between 47 and 2 is magic. Relationship between 47 and 2 is magic. 47... 47 is a magical number. 47 plus 2 equals 49. 47 times 2 equals 94. 49 and 94. 94 and 49. Relationship between 47 and 2 is magic. 47... 49 and 94. 94 and 49. It's magic! 47... Isn't it a coincidence?